Thursday 6 October 2011

Photography for Designs

Below are pictures which I will use in my front cover and contents page. I have explained what the storylines for each picture is and why I have used this. I have done this to show why I have chosen the things which I have chosen.

The storyline for this image is: Get Stuck in a Book, then a quote is used under this which is: “Books are my life”. I have chosen this picture to connote that this sixth former is ‘stuck in the book’ and she loves to read. This may persuade other student to go to the libery and read more.

The storyline for this is: Computer Help. Inside the magazine will be a page or two on what programmes to use on computers and how to work them. It will also include a small space where students will write in asking for help and their answer will be published here. The first image will be used on my contents page while the second image will be used on my front cover.

The storyline for this is: Mr Bottom’s Helpful Tips to ACE English! This will consist of tips from him to help students get an A in English. I expect that it will help students in their lessons get better grades. He is pointing to the English expectations list on the front of the door to suggest that this is what he expects from all students.

The story line for this is: Photography Fun. I hope that some students will be interested in photography and will want to buy the magazine so they can read this page. It will include a monthly competition which you can win by sending in you photographs, one will be picked as the winner and they will win something special. The first picture will be used on my contents page and the second picture will be used on my front cover.   

This storyline is: Question Claire. Claire is the school nurse therefore students can send in any questions they would like her to answer and she will answer them in the next issue.

This storyline is: Group Debates. This will include a page or two about debates which are happening in the school at the present time. Pupils should be interested and will then buy the magazine.

The storyline for this is: Maths Masterminds. This implies that on this page it will be talking about maths. The masterminds are students who are very good at maths and will be featured in the magazine. Some students like maths so I hope they would pick up this magazine.

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